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Kids Charity

Exceptionally vulnerable and traumatised children often hide their abuse in order to survive.  Many feel helpless and alone.  At Kids Company we never give up on a child, and do whatever it takes to return them to a safer childhood and positive future.
Each year over 550,000 cases of child abuse and neglect are referred to social services, but due to the strain on resources, over 90% of children are left without support.  They effectively become lone children, without a voice or any real chance of breaking the cycle of abuse and feelings of despair.

We see the impact of this every day at our centres which is why we need your help.  Whether you can volunteer your time and skills, or help by fundraising, we would love to hear from you.  Call us on 0845 644 6838 or go to our contact section to find a contact in your area of interest.

Thank you for your support.

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Joy Home

There are to 47 children we support including children at a nearby HIV center (outreach project).
For educational reasons, the children are divided into 2 groups. The older girls and younger children live at our Secunderabad Home and the older boys remain at Joy Home Orphanage. These children have been brought into the Orphanage either by the charity or members of the public over a period of 8 years. Each child has been registered with the local authorities and is listed as in the care of
‘Joy Home for Children. These children are not for adoption and will remain part of the Joy Home family.

From 2004 till 2008, Joy Home for Children was privately funded by founder Dr. Nirmala Jyothi, her husband Dr. K. Karunakara Rao and their family and friends. As the number of orphaned children increased and with spiralling costs, it became essential to generate extra funding to provide the long term security for the children.

In March 2009, Joy Home website was launched followed by British Registration in August 2009. Now Joy Home for Children Orphanage is now offering everyone the opportunity to make a real difference.

We have 3 acres of land with plenty of space for development. Once developed, the land will provide an income as well as fresh fruit and vegetables for the home.

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Care for Children

Mauris ac gravida tellus. Vestibulum adipiscing laoreet arcu in egestas. Ut volutpat metus eu erat consectetur ornare. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent luctus ligula sed lectus porta commodo. Praesent tristique pretium magna, at porttitor velit tincidunt et. Vestibulum at convallis augue.

Etiam non arcu nisl, eget fermentum mauris. Vivamus bibendum massa id risus ullamcorper ac vulputate felis iaculis. Vivamus elementum risus vitae erat laoreet vel viverra massa varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nulla quam, ultrices a porttitor ut, faucibus ac dolor. Mauris felis justo, condimentum gravida consectetur sit amet, mattis id lorem. Pellentesque sit amet commodo libero.

Ut dignissim pellentesque nunc non porttitor. In aliquet turpis vel nibh congue aliquam. Nunc aliquet convallis bibendum. Proin fermentum, lorem vel adipiscing vulputate, mauris ligula tempor tellus, et iaculis metus nisi ac libero. Ut molestie, erat in pharetra pharetra, dui dui mollis nisl, non blandit erat dui auctor erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam at semper justo.

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Infantile Disease

Curabitur id lobortis metus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur sapien purus, viverra at ornare convallis, volutpat vestibulum magna. Praesent id aliquam felis. Curabitur eget enim non risus pharetra aliquam eget et odio. Aliquam malesuada justo non lectus semper venenatis. Suspendisse ultrices, leo ut porta rhoncus, enim justo convallis sem, sed feugiat ipsum ligula in ipsum.

Aenean at quam leo. Aliquam lobortis dapibus massa, sed cursus quam vulputate non. In quis tellus id urna consequat molestie sit amet quis urna. Morbi mollis hendrerit risus, ut placerat nisi varius vel. Aenean ligula odio, malesuada ut mollis ac, laoreet sit amet nunc. Nullam accumsan vestibulum metus eleifend faucibus. Curabitur enim tortor, interdum sit amet pharetra consectetur, interdum eget est. Curabitur sit amet risus libero. Ut eget est sit amet nibh interdum iaculis ac ut leo. Integer gravida ornare tortor, vitae semper erat eleifend et. Proin velit risus, aliquet eget condimentum vitae, imperdiet nec quam. Phasellus varius tellus quis diam rutrum pellentesque. Ut leo nunc, tincidunt id aliquet at, vulputate et massa.

Vivamus dolor enim, fringilla non lobortis vel, sodales quis est. Sed velit nulla, molestie sed placerat vitae, feugiat at nisl. In massa dui, adipiscing feugiat iaculis eget, vestibulum vel felis. Vivamus pharetra elit cursus felis auctor id viverra elit convallis. Praesent bibendum faucibus ipsum, non elementum augue ornare nec. Quisque imperdiet, neque vel vestibulum vehicula, sapien nibh commodo eros, eu tempor est arcu in velit. Proin semper, diam eu mollis gravida, felis diam tristique augue, id vestibulum tellus metus ac massa. Suspendisse fringilla auctor elementum. Nulla pharetra tincidunt semper. Cras faucibus aliquet tincidunt. In mollis augue id enim facilisis egestas dignissim erat ultrices. Nam rhoncus est ac felis imperdiet dignissim. Sed volutpat, felis non eleifend vulputate, diam dolor faucibus nibh, et ullamcorper lorem dolor id neque. Pellentesque tincidunt orci vel nisi pharetra tempor. Nam ut viverra ipsum.